1. World Champion Taekwondo school.
- World Taekwondo Form Championship 2006
- US Taekwondo Open 2012
- US Taekwondo Open 2020
2. Largest Taekwondo School in Richmond VA
3.Various Programs (All age Taekwondo, After School, Summer camp)
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Get to know Dynamic Taekwondo & After School of Chesterfield
Open up your child's future with the highest quality of Dynamic Afterschool Taekwondo. We offer after school care with Taekwondo included. We have 2 large work out areas, movie room, art & craft room, play room, glow room, VR/Computer room and playground. We have a convenient drive through pick up system. Taekwondo classes every day with a Professional Master and Instructor with over 20 years experience. We also have a homework monitoring system.
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